Preparation For TMA.
Hello, good morning, my name is Javier Yerga Martinez and I have decided to start this blog to share all the experiences and knowledge that I will acquire in this stage as a student to be tma.
To begin with I say that I chose to study aeromechanical maintenance to grow in the world of mechanics, I have been a mechanic of cars for years and because of my way of being I like to grow and not get stuck in a rut.
Having said that, I can only say that as the weeks go by I will share everything related to the world of aviation that I find interesting.
A greeting.
In globalia, we mainly carry out the preparation process to become tma.
We perform subjects such as electricity, electronics, legislation, propellers, etc. also one of the important part is the realization of practices to learn more about the world of the plane, from the most basic part such as the realization of an aluminum cube to the disassembly of components such as the APU.
We do another part in the Ies Son Pacs.
To begin:
I say that in this blog I will explain weekly the work done in both pacs and globalia, adding photographs of the processes in practices and the materials that are added.
- Week from november 31 to 3:
task January 8, 2018:I say that in this blog I will explain weekly the work done in both pacs and globalia, adding photographs of the processes in practices and the materials that are added.
- Week from november 31 to 3:
In Son Pacs on Monday we analyzed this video, wich is very interesting since it perfectly explains the work to be done by a TMA.
1- The price of the airplane
2- 6.000 million of components
3- 3 secons to inflate the ramp
4- The height of the fuel tank
5- The power generated for the engine
6- Thurst the motor 60.000lb
7- 216.000 liters of fuel in the fuel tank
8- The price of simulator
9- The price of the coffe machine
10- The end of the plane.
- Cardiff, where is the base of the British Airways.
- Inspection of a 747, completely dismantting the plane.
I recommend seeing it since it very complete, you can see all the parts of the work that we do.
1- The price of the airplane
2- 6.000 million of components
3- 3 secons to inflate the ramp
4- The height of the fuel tank
5- The power generated for the engine
6- Thurst the motor 60.000lb
7- 216.000 liters of fuel in the fuel tank
8- The price of simulator
9- The price of the coffe machine
10- The end of the plane.
- Cardiff, where is the base of the British Airways.
- Inspection of a 747, completely dismantting the plane.
I recommend seeing it since it very complete, you can see all the parts of the work that we do.
During the week in globalia we continued with the manufacture of the cube making drills in the to later inserts screws and thus learn to brake them since in aviation most of the screws have to be bracked.
In the teoric part we continue with module 4, BASIC ELECTRONICS
-Week from novembre 13-19
In this video we can see the accident of an airplane in wich we can see achievementof human errors.
-There are several erros which we can see in te video.
The first error that is seen is the failure of the TMA or who contributes the mixture of the product so that the ice does not form.
Another failure is on the part of the pilots, seeing the situation, they would have to abort the takeoff.
-In my opinion Lenny Skutnik is the hero in this tragedy.
Given the situation lived in the Potomac river did not mind jumping into the water to save the life of another person because the water conditions did not survive more than half an hour.
-Knowing the aeronautical world, is something that may not like everyone but in my opinion accidents of this type are for one thing or another caused by human factors, a simple carelessness can cost another two hundred lives.
Everything would have to be taken care of even more because it would not be so easy to see accidents on youtube knowing that a family of a partner is on that flight in which a miscarriage of life has cost them their lives
Hello everyone, after several weeks inactive in the blog due to several exams and Christmas holidays I return to write about works related to the world of aviation and many other things which may be important.
-Week from novembre 13-19
In this video we can see the accident of an airplane in wich we can see achievementof human errors.
-There are several erros which we can see in te video.
The first error that is seen is the failure of the TMA or who contributes the mixture of the product so that the ice does not form.
Another failure is on the part of the pilots, seeing the situation, they would have to abort the takeoff.
-In my opinion Lenny Skutnik is the hero in this tragedy.
Given the situation lived in the Potomac river did not mind jumping into the water to save the life of another person because the water conditions did not survive more than half an hour.
-Knowing the aeronautical world, is something that may not like everyone but in my opinion accidents of this type are for one thing or another caused by human factors, a simple carelessness can cost another two hundred lives.
Everything would have to be taken care of even more because it would not be so easy to see accidents on youtube knowing that a family of a partner is on that flight in which a miscarriage of life has cost them their lives
Hello everyone, after several weeks inactive in the blog due to several exams and Christmas holidays I return to write about works related to the world of aviation and many other things which may be important.

There are two parts to the mission.
Part one: 2012 deconstructed:
Find and explain all the mistakes and erroneous assumptions in the
film, in particular those related to planes, flying, etc.
Explain why they are erroneous.
In my presentation of the errors of the movie 2012 in relation to the "aeronautical world" comment that the most real thing we can see is the flight of military helicopters above Yellowstone Park.
Explain why they are erroneous.
In my presentation of the errors of the movie 2012 in relation to the "aeronautical world" comment that the most real thing we can see is the flight of military helicopters above Yellowstone Park.

We can see all kinds of turns and maneuvers of the pilot that is the first time you fly a plane is able to do all kinds of things without taking into account the "ground effect" to get so close to the ground, controlling the yaw that induces you so pronounced warping when passing between the two towers and to be able to take to its original position the airplane when taking place a moment of nose down produced by an explosion.
In the next scene in which you see again how they take off from another airport after taking the radio announcer's map, fiction is further increased in what would undoubtedly be the end of the protagonists since it is practically impossible to take off in such a short distance, when the plane falls to the void, it would need a power much higher than the one that this plane possesses in order to save the loss in which it enters when falling

Airport in Las Vegas, Antonov 500, if we talk about the film errors of this film here is undoubtedly one of the most important, previously we have seen a takeoff with a plane without track and falling into the void, in this case we see an Antonov, considered one of the largest aircraft in the world for the transport of goods and we can see how in the takeoff maneuver an obstacle in its path as the raised asphalt does not move from the trajectory even one millimeter to the plane but incredible arrives when after running out of track they fall to nothing, without any configuration in the wings they manage to recover the plane, put it almost vertically and make a turn to be able to save the buildings, IMPOSSIBLE.

In the scene of the landing in Tibet, despite being one of the heaviest aircraft in the world and perhaps one of the most robust, it is capable of landing without a landing gear, withstanding the first impact with a rebound and continuing to glide to a standstill without taking place. more than breaking the tips of the wings.
Explanation of an airplane which appears in the movie
In my case of this film and as an explanation I have decided to take it as an airplane, even if it is the one that least appears or in the background it appears the Air Force One, the presidential plane of the United States of America.
Name: Air Force One
Code name: Angel1
Primary function: Transport the President of the United States and serve as the White House in the Air while the President is inside.
Company: Boeing
Motorization: Four jet General Electric CF6-80C2B1
Engines Thrust 56,700 lbf (250 kN) per engine
Length: 231 feet, 10 inches (70.7 m)
Width: 63 feet, 5 inches (19.3 m)
Wingspan: 195 feet, 8 inches (59.6 m)
Speed (estimated): 1000; km / h (Mach 0.92)
Height (estimated): 45,100 feet (13700 m)
Maximum takeoff weight (estimated): 833,000 lb (375,000 kg)
Reach: 7,800 miles (6800 nautical miles or 12 550 km)
Note: can be resupplied in flight.
Crew: 26 Total capacity 102
Introduction: December 8, 1990 (No. 28000) December 23, 1990 (No. 29000)
Deployment: September 6, 1990 (No. 28000) March 26, 1991 (No. 29000)
Units: 2
The VC-25A is capable of flying 12 600 km (approximately one third of the distance around the world) without refueling and can accommodate a maximum of 70 passengers, it is the only VC-25A (747) in the world that carries 4 crew members (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Chief of Command and Chief of Radars). Before these aircraft entered service, two Boeing 707-320B numbered 26000 and 27000-operated as Air Force One since 1962. The designation of the Air Force for these aircraft was VC-137. Since its inception, Air Force One has become a symbol of the power and presidential prestige of the United States.
Boeing 720-320B
The Air Force One fleet is maintained and operated on a military basis by the Presidential Airlift Group, which is part of the Air Mobility Command's 89th Airlift Wing, established at Andrews air base in Camp Springs, Maryland. In addition, the president frequently travels in the helicopter of the United States Marine Corps, which bears the Marine One code, when the president is on board.
The aircraft that serve as Air Force One differ from the common Boeing 747 in size, characteristics, as well as in security measures. Although the Air Force One has two floors, like a regular Boeing 747, its interior is reconfigured to allow presidential tasks. The planes, with 370 m² of interior space, include multiple modifications. The lower area of the aircraft serves mainly as cargo space, carrying luggage and food supplies. It can contain food for up to 2,000 people when it is fully loaded, some of them stored in freezers. The meals are prepared in two kitchens, which are equipped to feed 100 people at a time.
The main passenger area is located on the second floor, and the communications equipment and the cabin are located on the third floor.
Onboard Air Force One there are medical facilities, including a functional operating table, emergency medical supplies, and a well-stocked pharmacy. On each flight there is a doctor on board. In addition, there are separate rooms for guests, senior staff, Secret Service staff, and media; The President's suite includes a private dressing room, gym, restroom, showers, and a private office. These rooms, including the presidential suite, are mainly located on starboard, and there is a large corridor on the port side. Every time the Air Force One appears, always to the left side of the ship facing the spectators as a security measure to keep the presidential side of the plane out of sight. In the office area, Air Force One has access to photocopiers, printers, word processors, broadband Internet, mobile networks, as well as telecommunication systems (including 85 telephones and 19 televisions.) There are also secure fax services and unsafe, and data networks.Most furniture on board have been manufactured by hand by professional carpenters
Aircraft can also function as a military command center in the event of an incident such as a nuclear attack. Operational modifications include the possibility of refueling in flight and measures against anti-aircraft missiles. The electronics on board are connected with approximately 383 km of cable, twice as much as a regular 747. All cables are covered by a strong shield that protects them from electromagnetic pulse attacks in the event of a nuclear attack. The aircraft also have electronic countermeasures (ECMs) to interfere with enemy radars and flares to avoid missiles that seek heat sources. Many of the features of Air Force One are considered Classified Information for security reasons.
During the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers, President George W. Bush spent most of the day in the air to avoid being located and to be able to attack him. But for this reason there was a contradictory situation, because although it was difficult to locate Air Force One, this in turn should not emit any communication, since the signal could be located and triangulated its position. Eventually it was decided that Air Force One would land at Fort Andrews, from where the president addressed the nation on television, both airplanes remained on until the president returned to the air with no known direction and with the United States airspace of America exclusively for the Air Force One
It is expected that the VC25 will be replaced as they have become less profitable to operate. The Air Mobility Command of the USAF has been in charge of investigating the possible replacements, including the Boeing 747-8 and the Airbus A380. On January 7, 2009, the Air Force Material Command, as part of its Presidential Plane Recapitalization Program (RAP), has published a notice to inspect and identify potential suppliers of the next generation of the presidential aircraft to initiate the service in 2017. By January 28, 2009, the deadline to respond to the survey, the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS) announced that it would not participate in the program, leaving Boeing as the only possible provider with its Boeing 747-8 or the Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Finally, choose one of the plans shown in the film and describe it in full.
I consider this scene as the most complete to be able to say that there is a set of "falsehoods" in this film, starting with the smallest one, as at such a time there are not so many coincidences as to be able to drive a single meter and reach the extreme of being able to go through a building while it collapses.
Part 2:
Due to the imminent entry of a tsunami to the island of Mallorca, a tsunami which is expected to be higher than the Puig Major
Types of oxygen drums and water tanks
In these first weeks of the week in Globalia we have started with the module 11 which a simple view seems very thick for the content that there is in the other but then little by little it will be seen that they are things that have already been seen in their moment that little by little can be understood very easily.
Start this module with hydraulic systems of the plane, systems that are responsible for example to extend or retract the landing gear, which seems easy but has its history. Another system that can be used hydraulically are the flight controls to stabilize and have control of the aircraft in the maneuvers to be performed by the pilot.
We made a visit to the Globalia hangar to verify all the systems of the plane in situ, which helped us see everything in the first person and clarified many doubts about how all the valves, accumulators, etc. are placed. This visit was the most interesting thing we did so far.
To finish saying that in the subject of practices carried out, we have to carry out a weighing of an airplane and we carry out practices of landing gear, cleaning, lubrication and operation.
Up here for this week, cordial greeting.
During this second week in the globalia facilities we continue to work on the aircraft systems in both the theoretical and the practical part.
In the theoretical part during these weeks we are developing the pneumatic part of the plane and the electrical part with many differences to what in my case was used to be the world of the car, one of these differences is to say that a car works with a current continuous of 12 volts and in the case of an aircraft works with an alternating current of 115 volts and 400 hertz having a 28 volt battery.
In the practical part we have made different practices which have been the disassembly of a hydraulic pump of a turbocharged engine, the retraction of a landing gear with its corresponding maintenance of the hydraulic fluid and lastly and which we are still working, the extraction of an auxiliary hydraulic pump.
In the part of are pacs, we continue with the subjects of fol, ret and materials that at this moment we are working on the types of corrosion, because it can be produced, how we can avoid it and how to act when we locate a point of it.
This is the fourth week of classes in globalia, everything is happening fast and the first exams are approaching, in particular maintenance practices which is long and some chapters somewhat difficult to read but this blog does not try to bore anyone with things that are not interesting like the ones we do every day
During this week in Globalia, in the theoretical part, we continue with the electrical operation of the airplane, electric actuators, current generation motors moved by the engines of the aircraft connected to an accesory gear box and many other things that work through current continuous or alternating current.
In the part that refers to Son Pacs we are dealing with an important issue in our work, the corrosion in the materials that make up the aircraft since with the sight it is sometimes imperceptible but could cause fatal damage.
Without a doubt for me and all my classmates this has been the best week, not for the work done, but because we had one day less of class.
We started the week in Globalia with the theoretical part following a bit the tone of the previous two weeks because we continue to be an electric part of the aircraft during Monday and Tuesday being more enjoyable as we enter into real schemes of the operation of many of the components involved in the generation of both alternating and continuous current and the components which an airplane uses in case of running out of any source of electrical energy such as the RAT.
During Wednesday and Thursday we went to another more interesting electrical part such as the lights, all the lighting of the plane which is not only there to decorate but also each and every one of them has a specific function.
In what has been practiced, we continue with the subject of the hydraulic system and we began to carry out a practice of disassembly and assembly of the hydraulic tank in the turboprop aircraft which is in Globalia.
Being Friday holidays, nothing should be added since we did not have a class in Son Pacs.
We continue to tell how our days are developing in both Globalia and Son Pacs, arriving at the first important exam of three that has to be overcome in order to go to the FCT, so let's go for it.
During this week in llucmajor we end up with electricity, electricity that refers to module 11, systems in the aircraft.
Apart from this we started with electricity practices, specifically my work group, we had to disassemble and check a voltage regulator of the Turbocommander aircraft of the facilities.
As a curious fact I would like to add that when piloting a plane on land, the pilot not only turns the aircraft with the steering wheel but also helps by pressing the brake for example on the right to accompany the turn.
In the practices part we have disassembled an air conditioning compressor, which is used to cool the cabin during the flight and we also began to practice dismantling, checking and assembling a heat exchanger of the turbo commander aircraft that we have to perform tasks.
In each pacs as every Friday we continue with Module 6, materials and relationships in the work environment.
Greetings and happy week
After another week, we come back to tell you the most important thing that has happened
This week in Globalia in the part that makes reference to the theory we have finished the ATA 32, landing gear, which we started last week, watching familiarization courses of several airplanes such as the Airbus A330, Boeing 737 and some of the Embraer that has Air Europa in its fleet.
Once we finished the ATA 32 we started with one of the most useful ATA in an aircraft in case of emergency such as oxygen because without it, in case of having a depressurization of the passenger cabin it would be impossible to have oxygen suffering from hypoxia.
In this chapter we develop everything related to oxygen, cylinders, oxygen generators, masks of the crew, pilots and passengers ...
In the practical part we have continued the disassembly and assembly of an air conditioning compressor completely, step by step through the manual of maintenance, applying all the tightening torques, since this is one of the most important things in the repairs of aircraft as well as the braking of all bolts, bolts, nuts, electrical connectors...
In Son Pacs the most remarkable thing was having to perform a test on rivets without adding anything else on Friday
Regards and until next week.
During this week in Globalia, in the part that makes reference to the theory, to start with the ATA 31, instruments, something very useful and something necessary either to pilot the aircraft through the airways knowing constantly the course, the position, altitude, attitude, speed, etc.
Through these instruments and communications antennas we can know all our glide path at the time of landing, for example, in approach, these systems would give us information of distance to the track, vertical or horizontal position of where we are and where is our center of the runway to land.
In the part of practice little to add since last week, with my partner Rafa, we had to separate continuing only this last week assembling the air conditioning compressor at the end of the week, we could get together again to close the practice, ensuring all the screws, bolts, nuts and electrical connectors with brake wire and checking the entire assembly of the compressor itself according to the manufacturer's maintenance manual.
Passing on Friday in Son Pacs, there is not much more to contribute, everything normal as always and as a thing to highlight, having had a riveting test the week before, the note was quite good.
Greetings and happy week.
A new week, a week in which we have done different things since we started with other different topics both in the theoretical part and in practice.
In Globalia during this week we have finished instrumentation and we started with communications, via HF, VHF, UHF, etc.
The subject of communications is made up of the antennas visible quickly in the aircraft as those that are integrated in the fuselage and do not look like those installed in the rudder, all of them are strategically located so that they have a greater coverage, ranging from antennas of radio communications, those of cominucation via ACARS, GPS.
Within these communications include HEADSETS, microphones, loudspeakers, distrubuidos in the aircraft to communicate the pilitos, pilots with the crew ...
In the part referring to practices we started with disassembling and checking PITOT probes and communication antennas with the aircraft that have globally.
Another of the things we are working with is the corrosion and the paint of the aircraft, which we do at the end of the week.
In are pacs as always, nothing to emphasize, contuniamos with the theoretical part of Module 6, corrosion.
Greetings and happy week.
Here I leave the new project which talks specifically about how to get to have a license and be TMA, from the first step which has to be given until the last to be able to have all modules approved.
Saying that it is not an easy road, I found several obstacles but today, they have all been overcome so if you are decided, TO GIVE HARD.
In this case, the last project of this course, this FP is the explanation of what we liked most about everything that was done.
I could be counting all the practices, all the theory that we have worked and all those exams passed because even the most difficult, I could get the positive part, the good part of all this.
Better to see it and serve as a motivation to embark on a new path of high flights.
From this scene we can analyze it in such a way that there is no natural catastrophe that can be predicted with such accuracy, that is, to know at what constant speed to go with the vehicle in order to carry the crack of the earth in the rear part.
Practically it is impossible every thing that we see, a limousine is the worst vehicle with which you can do such a thing, for its height to the ground, its length and its weight for a minimum power.
Cross gardens, make jumps with a limousine, skip cars falling from a building as if they were cones, be on the edge of a precipice, see as calmly as a gas station explodes or better cross a building which is collapsing and then collide against another car?
After my experience in the automotive world I consider that there is no vehicle that can perform this scene and I would like to conclude by saying that after a crash like the one that can be seen, in the current vehicles the first step would be to jump the airbags with what there would be a fuel cut and what would lead to the stop of the vehicle.
Part 2:
Imagine that you have been given one week to prepare for an incoming tsunami.
You cannot leave the island.
You may use any and all equipment in Globalia
or from your homes.
Decide, illustrate and escape plan to keep you safe.
Who will come with you? What will happen?
You cannot use machines which you can't
actually use. For example, none of you
have a submarine license.
You cannot leave the island.
You may use any and all equipment in Globalia
or from your homes.
Decide, illustrate and escape plan to keep you safe.
Who will come with you? What will happen?
You cannot use machines which you can't
actually use. For example, none of you
have a submarine license.
I am preparing to write down what my project will be to save the lives of mine and mine.
I will start by saying that my father is the manager of a construction company and has the necessary knowledge to give me the help he may need.
My purpose is to use the garage of my house where I live, a good place because it is underground and the wave can wipe out everything on the surface but not everything below it.
The main idea of this project is to modify the layout of the garage making rooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen. in the upper part of the staircase I will place a trap door that is sealed when closing it, thus preventing the passage of water to the inside, blocking the entrance door of the vehicles to the garage and also the windows to make any penetration impossible.

This would be the entrance and exit gate at the top of the staircase.
In the section that deals with life itself in the basement my idea is to place oxygen cylinders with some channels around the perimeter and thus be able to breathe without any problem for days, place water tanks for the use of it in shower as a toilet and another tank for all this dirty water to accumulate and finally supply us with enough food and warm clothes.
In my project I am very clear that there will be capacity for my family, my partner and our bitch. It may seem that there are things that do not give much hope to survive but using the means that are available to me in a short time to prepare it, we will survive each and every one of us.
FINAL WORK 2017-2018
In this work we wanted to show all the work carried out during this year in our English classes, from the first presentation to know all the partners until the conclusion of a complete explanation of the operation of a turbofan engine and its main parts.
I hope you like the video and will resume the activity of the blog in a short period of time.
A greeting.
FINAL WORK 2017-2018
In this work we wanted to show all the work carried out during this year in our English classes, from the first presentation to know all the partners until the conclusion of a complete explanation of the operation of a turbofan engine and its main parts.
I hope you like the video and will resume the activity of the blog in a short period of time.
A greeting.
Rest of an inactive month that has nothing to do with the world of aviation, continues with the blog, adding content every week about what is all in classes.In these first weeks of the week in Globalia we have started with the module 11 which a simple view seems very thick for the content that there is in the other but then little by little it will be seen that they are things that have already been seen in their moment that little by little can be understood very easily.
Start this module with hydraulic systems of the plane, systems that are responsible for example to extend or retract the landing gear, which seems easy but has its history. Another system that can be used hydraulically are the flight controls to stabilize and have control of the aircraft in the maneuvers to be performed by the pilot.
We made a visit to the Globalia hangar to verify all the systems of the plane in situ, which helped us see everything in the first person and clarified many doubts about how all the valves, accumulators, etc. are placed. This visit was the most interesting thing we did so far.
To finish saying that in the subject of practices carried out, we have to carry out a weighing of an airplane and we carry out practices of landing gear, cleaning, lubrication and operation.
Up here for this week, cordial greeting.
During this second week in the globalia facilities we continue to work on the aircraft systems in both the theoretical and the practical part.
In the theoretical part during these weeks we are developing the pneumatic part of the plane and the electrical part with many differences to what in my case was used to be the world of the car, one of these differences is to say that a car works with a current continuous of 12 volts and in the case of an aircraft works with an alternating current of 115 volts and 400 hertz having a 28 volt battery.
In the part of are pacs, we continue with the subjects of fol, ret and materials that at this moment we are working on the types of corrosion, because it can be produced, how we can avoid it and how to act when we locate a point of it.
This is the fourth week of classes in globalia, everything is happening fast and the first exams are approaching, in particular maintenance practices which is long and some chapters somewhat difficult to read but this blog does not try to bore anyone with things that are not interesting like the ones we do every day
During this week in Globalia, in the theoretical part, we continue with the electrical operation of the airplane, electric actuators, current generation motors moved by the engines of the aircraft connected to an accesory gear box and many other things that work through current continuous or alternating current.
In the practical issue we continue to perform the disassembly, testing and assembly of hydraulic components, in my case, this week I worked on both an auxiliary hydraulic pump and a hydraulic cut pump which if you had any problems or any loss that could affecting any component or endangering safe flight, cut off the supply to the engine in this case.
In the part that refers to Son Pacs we are dealing with an important issue in our work, the corrosion in the materials that make up the aircraft since with the sight it is sometimes imperceptible but could cause fatal damage.
Without a doubt for me and all my classmates this has been the best week, not for the work done, but because we had one day less of class.
We started the week in Globalia with the theoretical part following a bit the tone of the previous two weeks because we continue to be an electric part of the aircraft during Monday and Tuesday being more enjoyable as we enter into real schemes of the operation of many of the components involved in the generation of both alternating and continuous current and the components which an airplane uses in case of running out of any source of electrical energy such as the RAT.
During Wednesday and Thursday we went to another more interesting electrical part such as the lights, all the lighting of the plane which is not only there to decorate but also each and every one of them has a specific function.
In what has been practiced, we continue with the subject of the hydraulic system and we began to carry out a practice of disassembly and assembly of the hydraulic tank in the turboprop aircraft which is in Globalia.
Being Friday holidays, nothing should be added since we did not have a class in Son Pacs.
During this week in llucmajor we end up with electricity, electricity that refers to module 11, systems in the aircraft.
Once finished this we started with the ATA 27, flight controls, which are all those surfaces of the plane that give you control of the same in pitch, yaw and roll, provide stability and compensate the movements of the pilot so that the passage does not suffer alterations.
In the topic of practice in Globalia, this Monday we had one hour of simulator, one hour as if we were pilot and co-pilot of a Boeing 737 NG making electric system checks, feeding the airplane with the current of its own batteries, of the ground generator, of the APU and the generators of each of the engines doing this that seeing the cockpit you can already guess what happens to the plane.
Apart from this we started with electricity practices, specifically my work group, we had to disassemble and check a voltage regulator of the Turbocommander aircraft of the facilities.
In Son Pacs we continue working with the following project of November and module 6, subject corrosion.
This was all for this week, greetings.
This week the blog has been delayed because in a few days we have to examine module 7, this exam consists of a test and two exam tests development so it is taking up all my free time.
During this week in Globalia as far as the theory is concerned, we finished the ATA 27, flight commands and we have started with Flight Theory, it is very linked with Basic Aerodynamics since this is the basis of everything and with flight controls, explanation of the movement of surfaces from the cockpit, flight theory is responsible for studying the performance of the surfaces, dividing them into primary surfaces, acting on the three axes, pitch, yaw and roll and secondary, such as spoilers, elevators, ...
In the field of practice we carried out the verification of a 28VDC battery of a Boeing 737NG, doing all the tests that mark the AMM (aircraft maintenence manual) and noting all of them.
Another practice that we did was to recognize and locate, through a manual, all the direct current sources of an aircraft, specifically the Turbocommander of the Globalia facilities.
In Son Pacs we continue with the study of corrosion in module 6 and in RET the study of relationships in the work environment.
In the eighth week, the week we have had the exam of the famous module 7, there is little to say since there have only been three days of class in Globalia.
During this week we have continued with flight theory, specifically with the performances of the surfaces of flight in high speed.
In the next week referring to the theoretical part we will start with air conditioning, something new and better than being able to explain.
In practice we finish the current generation part in the plane, having to dismantle, check and reassemble a Starter / generator that is in charge of starting the engine of the aircraft and once started through a centrifugal switch the engine is disconnected. starter and acts as a generator to power the electronic equipment through the power bars, this component was removed from the Turbocommander that is in the facilities of Globalia.
In Son Pacs, this week, we have not had class due to the holidays that are and so I took advantage to come to Menorca to disconnect from the days of study and again to start over.
A greeting
During this week being in Globalia and referring to the eighth week of the blog, we must say that we did not start the air conditioning part but we started the ATA 32 Landing Gear, a part that deals in depth with the structure of the legs of the train, the tires, both the construction of them and the wear and tear, these being the ones that receive the first impact, the tires that in my case are being very different from what I know about automotive and brakes.
This week the blog has been delayed because in a few days we have to examine module 7, this exam consists of a test and two exam tests development so it is taking up all my free time.
During this week in Globalia as far as the theory is concerned, we finished the ATA 27, flight commands and we have started with Flight Theory, it is very linked with Basic Aerodynamics since this is the basis of everything and with flight controls, explanation of the movement of surfaces from the cockpit, flight theory is responsible for studying the performance of the surfaces, dividing them into primary surfaces, acting on the three axes, pitch, yaw and roll and secondary, such as spoilers, elevators, ...
In Son Pacs we continue with the study of corrosion in module 6 and in RET the study of relationships in the work environment.
In the eighth week, the week we have had the exam of the famous module 7, there is little to say since there have only been three days of class in Globalia.
During this week we have continued with flight theory, specifically with the performances of the surfaces of flight in high speed.
In the next week referring to the theoretical part we will start with air conditioning, something new and better than being able to explain.
In practice we finish the current generation part in the plane, having to dismantle, check and reassemble a Starter / generator that is in charge of starting the engine of the aircraft and once started through a centrifugal switch the engine is disconnected. starter and acts as a generator to power the electronic equipment through the power bars, this component was removed from the Turbocommander that is in the facilities of Globalia.
In Son Pacs, this week, we have not had class due to the holidays that are and so I took advantage to come to Menorca to disconnect from the days of study and again to start over.
A greeting
In the practices part we have disassembled an air conditioning compressor, which is used to cool the cabin during the flight and we also began to practice dismantling, checking and assembling a heat exchanger of the turbo commander aircraft that we have to perform tasks.
Greetings and happy week
After another week, we come back to tell you the most important thing that has happened
This week in Globalia in the part that makes reference to the theory we have finished the ATA 32, landing gear, which we started last week, watching familiarization courses of several airplanes such as the Airbus A330, Boeing 737 and some of the Embraer that has Air Europa in its fleet.
Once we finished the ATA 32 we started with one of the most useful ATA in an aircraft in case of emergency such as oxygen because without it, in case of having a depressurization of the passenger cabin it would be impossible to have oxygen suffering from hypoxia.
In the practical part we have continued the disassembly and assembly of an air conditioning compressor completely, step by step through the manual of maintenance, applying all the tightening torques, since this is one of the most important things in the repairs of aircraft as well as the braking of all bolts, bolts, nuts, electrical connectors...
In Son Pacs the most remarkable thing was having to perform a test on rivets without adding anything else on Friday
Regards and until next week.
During this week in Globalia, in the part that makes reference to the theory, to start with the ATA 31, instruments, something very useful and something necessary either to pilot the aircraft through the airways knowing constantly the course, the position, altitude, attitude, speed, etc.
Passing on Friday in Son Pacs, there is not much more to contribute, everything normal as always and as a thing to highlight, having had a riveting test the week before, the note was quite good.
Greetings and happy week.
A new week, a week in which we have done different things since we started with other different topics both in the theoretical part and in practice.
In Globalia during this week we have finished instrumentation and we started with communications, via HF, VHF, UHF, etc.
The subject of communications is made up of the antennas visible quickly in the aircraft as those that are integrated in the fuselage and do not look like those installed in the rudder, all of them are strategically located so that they have a greater coverage, ranging from antennas of radio communications, those of cominucation via ACARS, GPS.
Within these communications include HEADSETS, microphones, loudspeakers, distrubuidos in the aircraft to communicate the pilitos, pilots with the crew ...
Another of the things we are working with is the corrosion and the paint of the aircraft, which we do at the end of the week.
In are pacs as always, nothing to emphasize, contuniamos with the theoretical part of Module 6, corrosion.
Greetings and happy week.
Here I leave the new project which talks specifically about how to get to have a license and be TMA, from the first step which has to be given until the last to be able to have all modules approved.
Saying that it is not an easy road, I found several obstacles but today, they have all been overcome so if you are decided, TO GIVE HARD.
In this case, the last project of this course, this FP is the explanation of what we liked most about everything that was done.
I could be counting all the practices, all the theory that we have worked and all those exams passed because even the most difficult, I could get the positive part, the good part of all this.
Better to see it and serve as a motivation to embark on a new path of high flights.